Get $25 off your first booking!

Meet the world's largest network of
5-star pet sitters and dog walkers.

Services for every dog and cat

Dog Boarding

Your pets stay overnight in your sitter’s home.

Book with pet sitters and dog walkers you can trust.

House Sitting

Your sitter and your pets stay overnight in your home.

All sitters pass a basic background check

All sitters provide a detailed profile and personal information

Dog Walking

Your dog gets a walk around the neighborhood.

All sitters are approved by our team of sitter specialists

Doggy Day Care

Daytime pet care in your sitter's dog-friendly home.

All services booked on Rover are backed by the Rover Guarantee, 24/7 support, and reservation protection.

Drop-In Visits

Your sitter drops by your home to feed and play with your pets.

My sitter sent me updates throughout the day and took care of my dog as if she were her own.

Corinna F.

Meet local sitters who will treat your pets like family





Book and pay


Read verified reviews by pet parents like you and choose a sitter who’s a great match for you and your pets.

No cash or checks needed—we make it simple to book and make secured payments through our website or app.

Your pets are in great hands with a loving sitter. Plus, your booking is backed by 24/7 support and the Rover Guarantee.

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Applies only to new customers (one per household) using a valid, unexpired coupon to book a service for the first time through The $25 coupon value will appear in your Rover account once redeemed and will be applied toward qualifying service(s) purchased (not including applicable taxes, if any) in a single booking. Any coupon value in excess of amount of first booking will be forfeited. May not be combined with other offers. No processing fee. Void where prohibited. Bookings and services are subject to the Terms of Service. Promotion code may not be re-posted to other websites without approval. Expires 12/31/2024. © 2024 Rover