Join Rover and get $30 to book a trusted pet sitter or dog walker. You can also earn 1 Aeroplan® mile for every $1 you spend on future bookings on Rover.
Already have a Rover account? Learn more here.
Don't have an Aeroplan® number? Sign up for Rover here.
How it works
Join Rover and get $30 to book a trusted pet sitter or dog walker. (Already have a Rover account? Enter your Aeroplan® number here.)
Get one Aeroplan® mile for every dollar spent on future Rover bookings. (Don't have an Aeroplan® number? Click here to sign up.)
Watch the Aeroplan® miles add up! Your miles will be added to your Aeroplan® account within 60 days of your Rover service being completed.
Services for every dog
Your pets stay overnight in your sitter’s home.
Book with pet sitters and dog walkers you can trust.
Your sitter and your pets stay overnight in your home.
All new sitters pass a basic background check
All sitters provide a detailed profile and personal information
Your dog gets a walk around the neighborhood.
All sitters are approved by our team of sitter specialists
Daytime pet care in your sitter's dog-friendly home.
Your sitter drops by your home to feed and play with your pets.
All services booked on Rover are backed by 24/7 support, reservation protection, and the Rover Guarantee.
My sitter sent me updates throughout the day and took care of my dog as if she were her own.
LaShone C. in San Diego, CA
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